Give to Enrich
The Book – “Give to Enrich” (GTE) resounds with soulful messages to remind us of Allah’s Call – to all who have been blessed with prosperity in this dunya.
Passionately written by ten women with diverse background and experiences, the book will mesmerize readers with its deep content, intricate khatwork, and stunning images and illustrations.
70% of the Profit from the proceeds of the Give To Enrich will be allocated to projects benefitting Women, Children, Old-Age, the underprivileged and the needy.
You too can become a donor just by purchasing the book. Your donation increases with every purchase of GTE.
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Weight | 1 kg |
Rohani Shahir – :
May Allah ease all our dealings
Rohani Shahir – :
May Allah soften hearts of buyers and readers to emulate Saidatina Khadijah ra
Mazlina Saidi – :
Our First Maiden Book Project WAQF?