Khadijah International Waqf (L) Foundation (KIWF) is a charitable waqf (al-waqf al-khai’ri) established under Section 107 of the Labuan Islamic Financial Services and Securities Act 2010.
KIWF was created to emulate the generosity of the First leading lady in Islam, also known as Mother of the believers, Saidatina Khadijah bint Khuwailid wife of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
It is narrated in Sahih Muslim: The messenger of Allah said: “God Almighty never granted me anyone better in this life than her. She accepted me when people rejected me; she believed in me when people doubted me; she shared her wealth with me when people deprived me; and Allah granted me children only through her.”
Khadija was a very successful merchant. It is said that when the Quraysh’s trade caravans gathered to embark upon their summer journey to Syria or winter journey to Yemen, Khadija’s caravan equalled the caravns of all other traders of the Qur aysh put together. She was known by the by-names Ameerat-Quraysh (“Princess of Quraysh”),al-Tahira (“The Pure One”) and Khadija Al -Kubra (Khadija “the Great”). It is said that she fed and clot hed the poor, assisted her relatives financially and provided marriage portions for poor relations.