• 1 Lot 238, Lorong Serai 1, Jalan Hulu Langat, 43100, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
  • +6012 389 2299 / +6019 328 8529
  • info@khadijahwaqf.org.my
Give to Enrich

The Objectives of the Foundation are:

To raise funds via waqf and donations by appealing for monies, assets and other valuables from altruistic waqifs and philanthropists worldwide,

To manage endowed funds with prudence in Shariah approved low-risk investments, focusing on sustainable initiatives with social impact, and,

To distribute investment returns directly to beneficiaries or indirectly to institutions who champion causes for women and children, the poor, needy and displaced worldwide regardless of religion, color and creed.

To achieve its objectives, the Foundation shall manage, supervise and administer the assets as well as wisely distribute the income of those assets to identified beneficiaries in compliance with Shariah principles.

Labuan International Business and Financial Center (Labuan IBFC) is the chosen domicile for KIWF as amongst its uniqueness lies in the fusion of a trust and a corporation via an Islamic Foundation through the Labuan Islamic Financial Services an d Securities Act 2010.

Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) a statutory body established under provisions of the Labuan Financial services Authority Act 1996, is a one stop supervisory and regulatory body for Labuan IBFC. Well supported by a comprehensive, modern and internationally recognised legal framework, Labuan IBFC provides clear legal provisions and industry guidelines enforced by its regulator, Labuan Financial services authority (Labuan FSA).

Strategically focusing on the increasing awareness of endowment or waqf as prime wealth enhancement initiative for Muslims, we aspire to open up modern waqf initiatives to the international market. Philanthropic activities are also on the rise internationally more so among the ultra-high net worth individuals and corporations who are now increasing their Corporate Social Responsibility allocation thus making it timely for us to launch this initiative.